First Place: Rolando Patricio Quispe Merchán, from Cuenca - Ecuador Creditor of $ 3,000 for his work Enchanter of doves Second Place: Pablo Sabucedo Serrano, from the United Kingdom Creditor [...]
Read MoreDiploma delivery Marcelo to Martinez Arrata
Luis Noboa Naranjo museum gave a diploma to Marcelo Martinez Arrata , son of the well-known journalist and art critic Luis Martinez Moreno Zalacain , where May was declarated as the month of Luis Mar [...]
Read MoreAlvaro Noboa's Inagural Speech for the I Biennial of Painting A few words about Alvaro Noboa's Mission and cultural projects: This the first Biennial organized by this museum which bears my father's n [...]
Read MoreInauguration of the First Biennial of Painting
Inauguration of the First Biennial of Painting On the 1st of April, 2008, in a simple and, at the same time, emotional ceremony, Counselor Álvaro Noboa Pontón inaugurated the first “Luis A. Noboa Nara [...]
HONOUR AWARDS The news about the Alvaro Noboa International Biennial of Painting was covered here.
Published documents Curriculum - Jimmy Lara Curriculum - Pedro Davila Curriculum - Wilson Quichimbo Other artistic news related to the Alvaro Noboa and his International Painting Bienniale can be foun [...]
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