Published by El Comercio Newspaper of Ecuador
Guayaquil Desk
Ecuadorian artist, René Bohórquez resulted the winner of the III “Álvaro Noboa” International Biennial. His work, entitled, “Incarnate” reigned among 200 paintings from the 20 different countries, among which are Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain…
The work of Bohórquez, who is 20 years old and studies at the University of Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES), is an oil painting. His work garnered him US $10,000.
Cuban William Hernández, with his work, “Ways of Miracles” earned second place, and US $5,000.
The five Newcomer Prizes went to Ecuadorians Leonardo Lozano, Javier Gavilanes, Jacqueline Villamar, Nelson Santos, and Roberto Seng from the United States. Each one won US $1,000 as a reward for the quality of their work. Ecuadorians Juan Caguana, Jorge Velasco, José Cueva, Lenín Mera, Wilson Quichimbo, Dennis Navas and Hellen Constante won Honorable Mentions.
Today, the official prize giving will take place from 7pm. Prizewinning works featured the requisite theme, “Elements of Nature,” and will remain in the Luis Noboa Naranjo Museum, in Guayaquil, until May of this year.