Jaime Romero biography


Romero was born on June 14, 1961, in San José de Minas, in the Pichincha Province. He studied plastic arts at age 15 in the School of Fine Arts of the Central University (Faculty of Arts).

His painting, in addition to being populated by children, denotes an expressionist treatment of faces.

In 1992 he worked at an exclusive workshop in Berlin, where he exchanged techniques with the German artist Peter Echulse. He exhibited these works (40 canvases) in Bonn, Germany.

He worked as the exclusive representative of the the art historian Mercedes Cifuentes in Spain.

In Central America he paid tribute to the children of war in San Salvador in 1994 at the Cultural Centre Cenar. One of his works is exhibited in the museum of the Bank of Guatamala.

During a visit to the museum of master Jose Luis Cuevas in Mexico City he accepted his suggestions about a work must always originate from first impressions.

His collection “Nights of Bohemia” was honored by art critic and Mexican poet Macario Matus. In Miami he exhibited his work at the Porton Gallery; he did likewise in Houston, Texas, at the University of St. Thomas, where he gave a lecture on Latin American painting. He studied the works of the Metropolitan Museum and painted two murals for collectors in New York.

In 2014 he presented his collection “Amazon” in Switzerland, the same that will be exhibited at the Luis Noboa Naranjo Museum from October 8 at 19:00.